Monday, December 10, 2012

Cool Tools

The cool tool that I most look forward to using in the future is "Symbaloo." I feel I could definitely use it to benefit myself and my students. As a teacher and coach, I think it would be beneficial for me to organize all my resources in their respective categories. For my students, I think the accessibility factor is most beneficial. There may be a particular laptop they are assigned to at school, and if they bookmark links of interest, it will only go to that particular computer. Using Symbaloo will allow them to access the necessary resources from anywhere. This would make classroom assignments easier to assign, if I had my students use Symbaloo.

Cooperative Learning Project Reflection

I felt that I put forth an honest effort towards this project. I communicated with my team members and really tried to make this the best project it could be. Throughout this semester, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the same three classmates on several projects. Our group members work well together and are very flexible when it comes to meeting times, helping each other out, answering e-mails, etc. I think completing this    project was a great way to cap off the semester.

I feel this project effects my future teaching in the sense that I can utilize cooperative learning assignments such as this one. I feel it is very important for students to learn cooperation and team-work skills, and these type of projects can help develop these skills. As a teacher however, I will be conscious of the type of group assignments that I use. Some group projects if not administered effectively can give advantages/disadvantages to certain students.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Online Book Study-Chapter 6

"As the lifelong-learning era moves gradually toward a situation where people choose for themselves what kind of education they will obtain, standards will serve as a constraint on what counts as legitimate learning." (Page 94)

I think maintaining standards is very important for schools. They are meant to help teachers and students succeed. However, I also believe that they can hinder learning as well. If teachers get caught up in following standards to the letter, it can have a negative outcome on student learning. Focusing on the students should be the ultimate goal, using standards as a guide.

"The downside is that learners working in such environments may become more isolated from social interaction with other people." (Page 98)

To me, this is the most powerful quote in this book. I feel if students become isolated from other students, their communication skills will suffer tremendously. Nothing can replace personal relationships that students can create with classmates and teachers.

"Though many teachers develop bonds with their students, they do not have the time parents have to develop a deep understanding of their students' personal needs and abilities." (Page 102)

Parent involvement is very key to a student's success. I think if they feel comfortable touching base with their child's teacher, they can use that to their advantage. I also believe that the parent-teacher relationship is a team effort and teachers should make a conscious effort to stay in touch with their students' parents.

Online Book Study-Chapter 5

"Schools as we know them will not disappear anytime soon." (Page 66)

I strongly agree with this statement. When it comes to hearing about educational technology, there are questions on whether schools are really necessary anymore. I believe there is no question that education is the best thing you can give a child. There is so much more they can gain from an education than simply the subject material.

"Distance education is a growing phenomenon." (Page 77)

I find it interesting to just how many people are utilizing the option of distance learning. Another interesting aspect of this is the wide range of age levels of the students using it. It is not only an option for high school and college students, but for younger students as well.

"More and more of the world's accumulated knowledge is spreading to the web." (Page 88)

Whenever new knowledge is gained, it is almost immediately added to the internet. An interesting aspect of this is that knowledge can be found in several different mediums on the web, such as on blogs, social media sites, online newspapers, etc.

Online Book Study-Chapter 4

"Just as the Industrial Revolution led to the development of universal schooling, we believe the Knowledge Revolution is leading to a new era of lifelong learning." (Page 49)

The rapid development of technology over the past two years is becoming known as the "Knowledge Revolution." I found it interesting that the book compared these two "revolutions" to education. I hope that this quote is true, and that the Knowledge Revolution contributes to the lifelong learning of today's students.

"The increasing diversity of the population has meant that it is often more difficult to use the same instructional strategies to teach students from different backgrounds." (Page 63)

As a future educator, this quote really stands out to me. It is very important to consider the ability levels, cultural backgrounds, and socioeconomic status of our each of our students. I think the worst thing we can do is assume that a particular teaching strategy will be effective for all of our students.

"The exponential growth of knowledge has also put increasing stress on the schools." (Page 64)

With the constant improvement of technology, there is much pressure put on schools to integrate technology into their curriculum. I feel the stress for teachers boils down to feeling like they won't be considered a "good" teacher if they don't use as much technology as other teachers.

Online Book Study-Chapter 3

"Teachers bring many things to learning that computers can never match." (Page 40)

This quote really stood out to me in the sense that teachers can make a huge difference in the life of a student. By building personal relationships with their students, teachers can be the light that brightens a student's day. A computer may able to teach students certain concepts, but a real teacher who teaches from the heart will have a much greater influence on a student's learning experience.

"To the degree that students are getting their knowledge from computer learning environments rather than from the teacher, it takes away from the respect and authority that teachers would gain from sharing their expertise from students." (Page 41)

Using technology in the classroom can be a great supplement to learning, but should not be an alternative to it. Students still need to confident that they can ask their teachers questions when they need help. If students get the impression they can just rely on technology to solve their problems instead of their teacher, that defeats the whole purpose of learning.

"One of the great advantages that technology brings to education is customization." (Page 44)

Although there are several pros and cons to the emerging technology in education, customization is definitely a positive. With the wide availability of resources that technology has to offer, teachers can find activities that appeal to all different interest and ability levels of their students.

Online Book Study-Chapter 2

"Just as reading was made necessary by the printing press and arithmetic by the introduction of money, so computer technologies are changing the very ways we think and make sense of the world." (Page 11)

This is stating that the invention of new phenomenons, such as money and the printing press, encourages people to use them to help enhance their lives. The sophisticated technology of our world is making people feel it's necessary to become familiar with it and use it in their lives.

"To prepare students to communicate in this emerging world requires not simply the traditional reading and writing, but learning how to communicate using different media with people who do not share the same assumptions." (Page 13)

Part of our duties as teachers is to help our students have success as people, not just as students. Preparing for them for their future is very important, and be allowing to communicate through technology can play a big role in doing so. In communicating with people with different assumptions, this will help students when it comes to honoring difference.

"A major motivation for many technology enthusiasts is their unhappiness with current education." (Page 28)

Many people who work with technology are dissatisfied with education, and developing new technologies is a way to change that. Technology enthusiasts are very in much convinced that schools should adapt to the modern technology, and drift away from "old-school" teaching methods.

Online Book Study-Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

"Many teachers see little value in spending their time helping students prepare for standardized tests that they do not think measure real learning." (Page 3)

This quote stood out to me because there seems to be clashes between teachers and administration regarding standardized tests. Teachers are pressured to help their students achieve high test scores, but don't feel this is the way to help students learn. I agree with this, in the sense that the purpose of learning is to help students succeed as students and people, not just on standardized tests.

"The clash between schooling and the new technologies is rooted in the historical emergence of universal schooling in America." (Page 4)

I believe the reason for the dilemma that the emerging technologies have created, is that schools are uncomfortable with change. Historically, the structure of schools has gone virtually unchanged until the decade of the 2000's, where technology has slowly begun to become the cornerstone of education.

"The challenge of technology-driven learning opportunities rests on the question of access." (Page 7)

Teachers need to carefully consider the activities they assign to students. As teachers, we cannot assume that every student has equal access to technology. The only time they may have access to a computer and the internet, is at school.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Online Gaming

Game #1: Pattern Memory  (

1. This site was created by the company, Knowledge Adventure.
2. The purpose of this website is to provide entertaining, educational games for elementary level students.
3. Games are easy to find, they are listed in alphabetical order. There are several fun graphics and pictures used for the layout of this website.
4. This game can be fun for students, and a challenge at the same time. It gives them the opportunity to compete with themselves.
6. This site was fairly easy to find. I searched "Educational Online Games." And it was one of Google's first hits.
7. Other than the "start" or "instructions" option, this game would be suitable for students in any language.
8. This is a pretty straight-forward simple game to promote thinking and quick response, such as a timed test. I don't believe this game would be appropriate to differentiate instruction.

Game #2: Math Man

1. This site is called "Cool Math Games."
2. This site is designed to provide young math students of all ability levels with fun, engaging activities to help them improve in math.
3. Games are easy to find. They are organized very well. Categories include Numbers, Shapes/Colors, Logic, Memory, Jigsaw Puzzles, etc.
4. I believe this game will be very enjoyable for students. It is based on the classic game PacMan. It involves the Pac Man eating a "?" which gives them a math problem. They have to 'eat' the correct answer, while avoiding the ghosts.
6. This site was easy to find. I searched for "Educational Math Games" on Google, and found Cool Math Games very quickly.
7. This website really does not provide much about an ELL component. I searched on the site map, and the "FAQ for Parents" section, and there doesn't seem to be any adaptation for other languages on this site.
8. This is a great site to differentiate instruction. There are many different categories and difficulty levels of these math games. In addition, some games contain an option to choose your difficulty level. So some students at higher levels can challenge themselves, and likewise with students at lower levels.

Game #3: Math Baseball

1. This site is called "Fun Brain."
2. This site is designed to provide games to elementary students that allow them to think and have fun at the same time.
3. Games are easy to find. They are separated by school subject, such as Math, Science, Reading, etc.
4. I believe this game will be very enjoyable for students, as it allows them to choose which operation (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division) they will be working with, in a baseball game setting.
6. This site was simple to find. I wanted to find a game that involved sports, so I searched "Math Baseball Game" and this was one of the first choices on Google.
7. Once again, not too much about an ELL component. The site provides information to parents, such as safety and educational value, but there is really no emphasis or anything that stands out about other languages being included.
8. This game is a prime example of a game to differentiate instruction. Before starting, students are given the option of one of the four operations and a difficulty level, which includes "Easy, Medium, Hard, and Super Brain." They are also given the "Yes or No" option of including an Algebra component.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Reviewing Data

I believe the most effective way to review data and use it as a teaching tool, is to analyze areas of struggle for students. If a certain percentage of students are answering a question incorrectly, teachers can possibly revisit that type of question and attempt to find out why students felt that that was the correct answer. Analyzing data can be effective for reviewing for a test, because if 99% of the class answers a question correctly, a teacher can take that as a hint that maybe they don't need to spend quite as much time reviewing that concept. Instead, they can spend time on the concepts that students need more clarification on.

As a teacher, I feel I can use the data to help create appropriate assessments for my students. If a certain percentage of students, either how or low, answers a question correctly, maybe that is a sign that the question was inappropriate. I feel the best use of data for me as a teacher, is to use it as way to reflect on my  own teaching and use it to help my students understand the topic and have success with it.


I feel the Wallwisher program has many strengths, as it is a free program available to any student with internet access. It is great for quick, group discussions, as students can post their feelings and have them appear almost instantly. They not only can see what they post, but what their group members post as well, and therefore gain a better understanding about a topic. Another strength is that it is simple to use and the design is easy to follow and read.

I believe there are some weaknesses to Wallwisher. The biggest issue I see with it is teachers misusing it. For instance, I feel the best use is for quick, group discussion, allowing students to bounce ideas off of one another, and possibly prepare for a large group discussion. I think it can become a weakness when teachers try to use this program for an in-depth discussion with lots of detail. Its best use is for big ideas. Another weakness is that sometimes students need to refresh the page manually to get the latest posts from themselves and classmates. As a result, there may be duplications.

I would use this in my classroom to review a chapter in a textbook. Regardless of the subject, students would work in groups to tackle the main points of the chapter. In the event that there are several different groups of students, each group could be assigned a major topic of the chapter and discuss it. They could use the material from their discussion to teach the rest of the class about that particular big idea.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Reflection on PLC Website

I felt I gave a good effort on this assignment, as the topic of clicker use is something I am interested in and could potentially use as a future educator. As for group members, I felt each one of them made a valuable contribution to our PLC website. I am very satisfied with the group work we have done so far in the semester and hope we can continue to work together.

This assignment was very valuable in my opinion, as it allowed groups to choose a topic in technology that they felt was relevant. Our group chose 'clicker use in classrooms' as it can have an effect on each of us, regardless of our different focus areas. By discussing the pros and cons of using clickers in the classroom, and finding credible sources discussing it, we as future teachers can get an idea if we want to implement this type of technology or not. By finding credible sources, we can learn what current teachers think of clicker use and possibly get ideas that we can borrow or adapt for lesson plans.

I feel completing this task impacts me as a future teacher because of the potential use of clickers in the classroom. In my classroom, I feel I can use clickers to enhance student learning. Even if I'm teaching at the lower elementary level, I can use clickers in a way to benefit student learning, and prepare them for their future careers as a student.

Reflection on Group Podcast

I felt participating in this group podcast was very effective, and was beneficial for me as a student. I feel podcasting is a powerful way to learn. However, the reason I feel that this particular activity was a success was that it can benefit the entire class. First of all, it's beneficial for each of the table groups because it requires preparation and effective communication, in addition to gaining knowledge. Students within each group can learn from their group members, as well as other groups that can listen to the podcasts. I feel by listening to what their group members have to say, and listening to the ideas of the other groups, students can get a good idea of all sides of the debate about technology in schools.

I believe that I can use podcasting in my future classroom. If appropriate for a particular subject, I would introduce podcasting in a similar fashion as in this class. I would first allow students to conduct their own short podcast to get a feel for the technology and nature of the assignment. Once students show they are comfortable with podcasts, I would assign a group podcast to discuss a major topic, such as a chapter from a textbook or current event. Group podcasting benefits students in several ways. For instance, they must be prepared to discuss the topic using their prior knowledge. Also, it encourages a "natural" discussion, and not simply reading information from a piece of paper. I enjoy discussion among students, and this type of assignment encourages it and can help to improve it.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Self-Grading Tests

The concept of self-grading tests is interesting to me. Going through school, the vast majority of the tests I took were with pencil and paper, so I don't have much experience with them as a student. However, as a future teacher, I feel it is important to consider when it is appropriate to use them. I believe that teachers shouldn't use these until students are in at least third grade. Students in grade levels below that aren't developed as test takers quite yet, and in my opinion they don't have the experience with technology yet either. Not only do I think they need to be grade-level appropriate, but teachers must choose carefully about what subjects they choose to use them in. I feel that tests in math and science should be kept strictly on paper, where students can work out the problems. Social Studies and English are the two subjects that I feel could really be an effective use of self-grading tests. Students could benefit from the instant feedback, whether it be about a book they are reading or specific period in history they are studying.

As a future teacher, I feel I can utilize self-grading tests in my classroom. My goal is to use them to assess students, but not necessarily use as a grading tool. For instance, if there is a unit where students will work in groups, I could use a self-grading quiz or test to help make the groups. Looking at the test results, I could make sure there was a good balance of high-scoring students in the same group with low-scoring students, in order to make it a good learning experience for all students. As mentioned above, I feel these tests would be most beneficial for students in English and Social Studies. A way I could assess if students are reading, I could create a quick, five question quiz to test their comprehension skills. Students could use the instant feedback as a measuring stick of whether they are understanding classroom readings, whether it be a novel or simply the textbook.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Chapters 1+2 Reflection

Chapters 1 and 2 of "Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology" pose several great points and questions. I feel the first question I can ask myself after reading is, 'Is Education effected in a positive or negative way by technology?' While there is evidence for both sides of the argument, I feel there really is no clear cut answer. However, I do have a strong opinion for the positive things it can do for education. First, it can help develop communication and collaboration skills for students, through activites like a classroom blog. Also, it can help teachers form unity within the classroom, keeping students, parents, and administrators all on the same page together. Although technology puts a positive effect on these aspects of teaching, I feel that there is one thing that should be made clear about technology in education: It assists in teaching, but does not replace it. Technology should be used as a tool to help students learn, but not be the only source of student learning.

I believe there are various positive effects of technology in education, but there are consequences as well. For instance, advanced technology will tempt both students and teachers to mulitask, and their focus will be hindered as a result. This is especially an issue at the high school and college level of schooling. Also, as mentioned above, teachers may rely too heavily on technology, and use it as a 'replacement' to teaching and learning. Through all the pros and cons of technology, it may take a few decades for our society to come to a consensus of whether technology is a good or bad influence on education. There are plenty of advocates and skeptics, so it will be very interesting to see how technology's influence plays out in the coming years.

Credible Sources

1) Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus: I did not feel that this was a credible source of information. There is no way of telling that the information is accurate and reliable. They do provide several great links and suggested books to read about tree octopuses, but they don't validate anything that is on their own page. Although they have photographs and videos of their sightings, there is no way for a viewer with no prior knowledge to validate whether what they spotted was legitimate or not.

2) Martin Luther King, Jr: I believe that this site is reliable. Although it discusses some controversial "truths" about Martin Luther King Jr, each page is backed up with sources. If viewers wish to check the validity of these sources, the links are provided on each page. This site also gives viewers links for further reading about MLK and the Civil Rights Movement itself. Photographs from the day that MLK was shot are also included in this site, giving proper credit, such as to the Associated Press.

3) All About Explorers: I question the credibility of this website. It claims to provide everything about every explorer who ever lived. However, it only lists fourteen different explorers. If a teacher had a class of twenty students, and wanted each student to study a different explorer, they could not accomplish this through this website. Furthermore, on the pages about these explorers, the information is not validated, and teachers and students have no way of evaluating the accuracy of the information presented. It does do a thorough job of giving links to other sites about the explorers, however, I feel the focus needs to be narrowed to this particular site first.

4) Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division: This is definitely not a credible source. It's not a true source, as it is designed to be humorous. However, it may be deceiving to the viewer as it appears to be a legitimate research facility. As you dive into the depth of the site, the links are not accurate and could not be used for a project.

PSA Reflection

I felt completing the Public Service Announcement was beneficial for me in several ways. It helped me look at our selected topic from the perspective of a student, teacher, and most importantly as a person. It also helped me realize that our topic, "Texting while Driving", is a serious issue in our society and is not improving. Regarding this particular issue, college aged students are the ones that are most responsible, and participating in this activity could possibly help them think about the consequences of texting while driving and persuade them to focus their attention solely to driving.

As teachers, I feel it is just as important to help our students grow as people, as it is to grow as students. This type of project allows students to use what they've learned in the classroom to learn about a topic that effects their personal lives. By using technology and working with their classmates, students are the given the opportunity to learn about a topic that is relevant to their lives, while having fun at the same time. I feel the concept "students learn from students" applies to this project, as students can learn from doing this project and viewing the projects of their classmates.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Chapter 10/Epilogue Reflection

I definitely agree with the basic premise of this reading, in that it states that technology has transformed education. I feel it has effected both teaching and learning in a positive way. For instance, teaching has become more of "communicating" rather than "lecturing." I also agree with the statement that almost every technological tool is collaborative. I feel this is especially important, because it gives the sense that a classroom is a team or family, and they are working together to help everyone achieve more. Technology has definitely impacted teaching and learning in a positive way, but that doesn't mean teachers should feel the need to replace "old-school" strategies entirely. The advancement of technology should lend a helping hand to teaching, not replace it.

As a future teacher, I feel it is important to incorporate uses of technology to help my students learn. I also want to use it to help them collaborate with their classmates, when appropriate. I like the fact that technology can help students develop some very important skills. For example, using a classroom wiki can help students give and receive constructive criticism. It also can help them gain new ideas and perspectives from their classmates. As a teacher, I also want to use technology as a way to keep the classroom organized, such as keeping parents informed of what activities we are working on, etc. There definitely is a plethora of ways to use technology to empower student learning, teachers just need to choose them carefully and thoughtfully.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Digital Nation

Viewing this video definitely made me realize that the influence of technology on students is not always a positive one. I feel that our society is encouraging students to multitask, instead of focusing on the task at hand. This is especially significant for young students, as their brains are not fully developed yet. By seeing older students, and people on movies and television, our young students think that multitasking is now the norm, and that it makes them better students. In reality, students' performance suffers when participating in two or more activities. I felt that the experiment they did with college students, in which they proved that multitasking slowed their reaction times, was very effective. I also believe that the issue of multitasking through use of technology is a global issue, and not just for our schools. The fact that it is safer to drive while under the influence of alchohol than it is to drive while texting was a real eye opener for me.

As a future teacher, I want to make a conscious effort to use technology responsibly in my classroom. In other words, I look to only use technology when it is necessary, and not just for the sake of using it. As shown on the video and from experience as a student, I feel teachers tend to give students time on computers that is excessive, and promotes recreational use rather than class work. Especially at the high school level, I felt sometimes we were given too much time in a computer lab, and that meant students were playing games instead of learning. I also want to make sure the use of technology in my classroom is appropriate. If I am teaching a 2nd grade class, I don't feel that using a social network in the classroom would be appropriate. I want to teach my students the skill sets that are associated with these networks, such as communication, collaboration and familiarity with the technology, but do not that type of technology necessary for students at that grade level. Finally, I want to inspire my students to become independent thinkers. It's true that technology can help students learn, but I don't want them to use it as a crutch. I think we all fall into the trap sometimes, of relying on the advanced technology to help us through our problems. Students still need to develop their minds, and as I teacher I take great responsibility in that.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Reflection on Interactive Whiteboard Lesson

I felt I made a special effort to design this lesson. I wanted to make a lesson that would benefit student learning, but also allow to have fun with it. Math tends to be a difficult subject for some students, especially at the lower elementary levels. As an elementary education major, I sought to design a lesson that was stimulating, enjoyable, and referred to the common core standards. The topic I chose, Telling and Writing Time, tends to be a difficult skill for 1st and 2nd grade students. I remember this being difficult for myself as a young student. It was important to me to design a lesson that appeals to wide ranges of ability level, and that will help students become more confident when it comes to telling time and writing time.

Creating this lesson will really benefit my future teaching. What I enjoyed most was that it required me to already start thinking like a teacher. In completing this, I wanted to develop a lesson that would truly help students learn while taking advantage of the smartboard's capabilities. This day in age, with technology continuing to become more prevalent, teachers need to consider how they can use it for their students' benefit. I plan on using the smartboard as a teaching tool in the future. This assignment also helped me realize that when designing lesson plans, it is necessary to consider what role the smartboard can play in the lesson. I look forward to using smartboards as a tool to help my students become better learners. Finally, I feel that smartboards emphasize the importance of differentiated instruction. In this particular lesson, there is different grade levels and ability levels to consider. Not only can telling time be difficult to get used to for young students, but using the smartboard in general can be as well. Being a teacher at the elementary level, I find it especially important to have patience with students as they get used to the classroom technology.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapters 7 and 9 Reflection

Reading these two chapters furthered my understanding of how technology in the classroom can help improve student skills. For instance, organizing classroom photos on Flickr can enhance student creativity. As mentioned in the chapter, students can make magazine covers, collages and much more through photo programs such as Flickr. Not only can using Flickr to organize photos help with class projects, but can help students create positive memories of their classroom experience that they can remember forever.

Chapter 9 discussed the pros and cons of social media in the classroom. The use of Facebook in the classroom is a hotly debated topic, and the consensus seems to be that the negatives outweigh the positives. There are definitely advantages, such as creating classroom groups that allow a teacher to keep all students on the same page. Also, it gives students who may be shy or uncomfortable speaking out in class the chance to give their input. However, the down side is that Facebook creates a social and personal environment, and teachers must think very carefully before implementing it.

As a future teacher, I look to incorporate the positive learning outcomes that these two chapters discuss. First of all, I feel I can create positive continuity in my classroom by using photo sharing. One way I could do this is by making an album of a class field trip, and then ask the students to provide comments such as their favorite part of the trip and what they learned. Another goal of mine is to use the photo sharing technology in multiple subject areas. Many feel that it works solely for classes like social studies and science, but I feel it can be used in subjects like mathematics as well. For example, each student could search for or take photos of ways that math is used in their daily lives.  By participating in an activity like this and viewing their classmates' projects, students can gain a perspective of how math is used in the world around them. Regarding the Chapter 9 learning outcomes, I look forward to using the positive aspects of social media in the classroom. I agreed with the fact that creating "groups" can keep everyone informed and create continuity. I also like how it allows students to communicate in a non-verbal manner, allowing them to express their opinions better. However, I feel these goals can be accomplished in a format other than Facebook, such as in a classroom blog or wiki. It is important to me that students are informed and feel comfortable communicating with each other, but I think there's better classroom alternatives to Facebook.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Digital Autobiography Reflection

1)      I feel that I gave a solid effort while completing this project. I wanted to ensure that the individuals that view my project were given a sufficient representation of who I am. The images that I chose to include are ones that are important to me, and shape who I am today and the person I will become.

2)      I feel this course task is very valuable, as past life experiences play a big role in the decisions that people make. For instance, the activities, clubs, sports, etc. that a student was involved in may have had a significant impact on the major/field of study that the student has currently. This project is also valuable as it allows students to reflect on their life so far, and what important components to include in the project.

3)      This project benefits future teachers for a number of different reasons. First of all, technology continues to become a bigger and bigger part of education. Becoming familiar with sites such as Vuvox and Voicethread will help future teachers because they can potentially incorporate these sites into their classrooms. Also, students can think about using a project similar to this with their future students, inspiring them to reflect on who they are as a person and future educator. Furthermore, future teachers can also use this assignment to develop new ideas for technology projects to do with their students.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reflection on Podcast Project

Looking at this first podcast assignment, it was very beneficial for me as a student and future teacher to complete. Through reading the chapter on podcasting and experimenting with the Audacity program, I find myself more knowledgable about how to conduct podcasts, and also the benefits that they offer. One major benefit that I see for students is that it is a way to get them involved. Reading about the classroom podcasts around the world, and hearing about Professor Reinhardt's "Podcast Club" at a local elementary school, I feel that students can communicate their feeling about a given topic with fellow students.

Podcasting also is a way to make learning fun. I believe that if students are put in a position where others will listen to their views, they will listen as well. Giving and receiving feedback is an important part of podcasting, particularly when there is multiple people/students participating. Using technology is education is a great way to improve communication skills in general, but I believe podcasting can take it to the next level... While this first podcast was an individual assignment, I look forward to conducting podcasts with other students as I progress through my college career.

Chapter 8 Reflection

Several concepts discussed in this chapter intrigued me. First of all, I felt this chapter did a very thorough job of simplyfing the idea of a podcast. When many students (including myself) hear the word 'podcast,' they are prone to thinking of it as a sophisticated project by adults that discusses major modern issues. However, that is not the case. Podcasting is something for people of all ages and interests. This chapter provides vital information about how to set up a podcast, and also how to find a specific kind of podcast. One vocabulary word that is essential to podcasting is 'genre.' Podcasts aren't limited to being about a certain topic, such as politics or religion. They can be used for educational purposes, communication and simply for becoming more comfortable with technology.

Another concept from the chapter that I found interesting was the connection between podcasts and RSS. After becoming familiar with RSS in the previous chapter, this made my feelings stronger about the positives of RSS. People can search for podcast genres of their choice using RSS, to find something of their interest. One huge positive I found about podcasting, is how it can inspire students. By viewing various podcasts online, students will learn that people of all ages and backgrounds are involved in podcasting. Page 116 discussed the 5th grade podcast in Thailand, "Students Teaching Students." I thought that was remarkable how those students are conducting a project that they enjoy and are teaching fellow students at the same time. This is just one of the many examples of student podcasts that are available online. The great thing about these students podcasts is that students can learn from them, but also can be inspired to create their own podcasts. The fact that podcasting is simple, and anyone can do it, is emphasized throughout the chapter. Even if students are not comfortable with using technology or recording their own voice, witnessing these various existing podcasts can inspire them to step outside their comfort zone.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Growing Up Online

As a future teacher, I am interested in continuing to learn more about how the expansion of technology can benefit our schools. In 'Growing Up Online,' the negatives of the expansion of technology are emphasized. People are creating false identities online in order to find their place in society. Furthermore, there are dangers to using the internet. Cyberbullying and sexual predators are both things that people need to be conscious of when they are online.

I feel that this video has a huge impact on the lives of students in schools. Not only should teachers inspire their students to use new forms of technology to aid their learning, but they should take the time to educate on them on the safety precautions they need to be taken. I think this especially important for teachers that have younger students. These younger students will be more naive than older students, and are easy targets for cyber bullies and sexual predators.

 As a future teacher, one of goals is to enrich the lives of my students as people too, not just students. If I can teach them to use technology safely and respectfully, that will help them as they progress through school and life. One strategy that I look to use is to have both the parent and student read and sign a form at the beginning of each school year, stating that they understand that students will be using technology to complete assignments, both inside and outside of the classroom. I believe that parents should make just as big of an effort as teachers, when it comes to ensuring the safety of their children when online. The internet can be a great tool for promoting collaboration and communication in the classroom, but both the teacher and students need to be aware of the dangers that it presents. Videos such as this one are also a great way to show students the negatives of the internet, and that it could happen to anyone if proper precaution is not taken.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Reflection on Chapters 4 and 5

Chapter 4: Wikis

After reading the chapter, I feel that wikis can be a very powerful tool in the classroom. Early in the chapter, the debate about 'Wikipedia' was addressed. Some feel that it is not a credible source, and strongly suggest for students to avoid it, while others feel it is the best option for information on the internet. I believe that there are many pros and cons to Wikipedia, but I think the most important takeaway from this chapter are the concepts that lie within these wikis. As a future teacher, I feel that students can benefit from a classroom wiki. Collaborating with classmates and the teacher, students will become more comfortable with technology and improve their communication skills. One aspect of wikis that people dislike is that anyone, anywhere can edit a given topic. In a classroom environment, this can be beneficial because students can give constructive criticism to one another, and possibly teach something to a classmate. Conversely, a student can learn from a classmate, and possibly discover a new way of thinking about a given topic. Provided that the teacher demonstrate proper use and safety of a wiki, students will get more out of a lesson and be potentially inspired to use wikis in other courses.

Chapter 5: RSS

I felt Chapter 5 was very intriguing for me, as I was not familiar with "Really Simple Syndication" prior to taking this course. I feel that all people, not just students and teachers, can benefit from using RSS. If someone is truly interested in learning more about a topic, subscribing to an RSS feed is essential. These feeds give them updates such as new information about a topic and people posting their opinions on these topics. Like wikis, RSS definitely can benefit students and teachers in the classroom setting. Students can use collaboration with RSS, as they can view items posted by students their own age, even if they don't go to the same school. They can use these fellow students as their 'classmates' and help each other gain new perspectives on a given topic. RSS also can aid in projects such as a research paper. By receiving RSS updates, students can decide which items they want to use for opinions, statistics, etc. I think teachers should begin to introduce the concept of RSS to their students in early elementary school. By beginning with the basics and getting them comfortable with it, students will expand on their knowledge of RSS and it can benefit them as they progress through school. By the time they reach high school and college, they can use as an academic aid. Also, if they have younger siblings or friends, they can introduce RSS to them, and the cycle will continue in a positive way.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Steps to Meaningful Student Blogging

 Reading through the 14 steps to meaningful student blogging, I liked step #4 the best: "Teach them how to comment." I feel that the best way for a classroom blog to be successful is by discussion among students. Being able to give and receive feedback on their work is a very important skill for students to have as they progress through school. The most important part though, is that they are taught correctly. As this article indicated, if students don't know how to comment properly, then they are not gaining anything from the experience. Teachers should ensure that students are aware of the expectations that come with responses to their classmates. If students can get into good habits right away, such as giving thorough, respectful comments, the classroom blog can only benefit. By giving a solid, honest effort toward giving classmates' feedback, students will learn from the comments they give and receive.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Chapter 3 Discussion

In Chapter 3 of "Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts," the enduring understanding is the concept of safely and effectively producing and maintaining a  blog in the classroom setting.

Question 1: Before beginning a blog, what are some pre-cautions a teacher should take?

Before starting a blog in the classroom, a teacher should ensure that students, parents, and administration are clear on the purpose, expectations, and learning outcomes of the blog. If students, parents, and administration are unclear about how this will help students learn and communicate, the blogging experience may not be as effective.

Question 2: How should teachers go about introducing the concept of a blog to their students?

First of all, teachers should study the background of their students. For example, if only 3 children have access to internet at home, the blog will not be as effective, and discussion will be minimal. If this is the case, perhaps teachers should restrict blogging activities to in the classroom, where everyone can participate. Also, I feel that teachers should start small. In other words, teachers should start with basic blog activities and discussions, so students can get a feel for the technology. If early activities are too complicated, students may get discouraged and lose confidence. If students aren't confident in using the blog software, they may not learn as much as they would when they are actively engaged in the blog assignments.

Thoughts on Multi-tasking

The main point of the Frontline videos, the article, and the game was to illustrate the disadvantages that multi-tasking presents. In today's world, people feel they are best to try to complete a number of tasks at one time. When in reality, people are best to focus on doing one task very well then doing a so-so job doing multiple tasks. Our society is hindered by people attempting to do so many different things at one time, rather than focus on priorities.

I feel that the emergence of technology in our world promotes people to try to multi-task. With laptops, ipads, smartphones, etc. people feel that they can communicate with others, surf the web, and more, instead of focusing on the task at hand, such as work or school. Although technology has a positive effect on our society, I feel it has a negative impact when it comes to multi-tasking.

As a future teacher, I am willing to accept the challenge of my students trying to be multi-taskers. Some students may feel it is more entertaining to play computer games or text than to learn the course material. As a result, my goal is to use technology as part of the lesson, and keep students engaged in the lesson. If students are using computers or a smartboard to contribute to the class discussion, they are more likely to get something out of the activity planned. I think a big obstacle for past, current, and future teachers is to find that balance between being an entertainer, and making sure students learn what they need to learn while in school.