Monday, October 29, 2012

Credible Sources

1) Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus: I did not feel that this was a credible source of information. There is no way of telling that the information is accurate and reliable. They do provide several great links and suggested books to read about tree octopuses, but they don't validate anything that is on their own page. Although they have photographs and videos of their sightings, there is no way for a viewer with no prior knowledge to validate whether what they spotted was legitimate or not.

2) Martin Luther King, Jr: I believe that this site is reliable. Although it discusses some controversial "truths" about Martin Luther King Jr, each page is backed up with sources. If viewers wish to check the validity of these sources, the links are provided on each page. This site also gives viewers links for further reading about MLK and the Civil Rights Movement itself. Photographs from the day that MLK was shot are also included in this site, giving proper credit, such as to the Associated Press.

3) All About Explorers: I question the credibility of this website. It claims to provide everything about every explorer who ever lived. However, it only lists fourteen different explorers. If a teacher had a class of twenty students, and wanted each student to study a different explorer, they could not accomplish this through this website. Furthermore, on the pages about these explorers, the information is not validated, and teachers and students have no way of evaluating the accuracy of the information presented. It does do a thorough job of giving links to other sites about the explorers, however, I feel the focus needs to be narrowed to this particular site first.

4) Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division: This is definitely not a credible source. It's not a true source, as it is designed to be humorous. However, it may be deceiving to the viewer as it appears to be a legitimate research facility. As you dive into the depth of the site, the links are not accurate and could not be used for a project.

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