Monday, November 12, 2012

Reflection on Group Podcast

I felt participating in this group podcast was very effective, and was beneficial for me as a student. I feel podcasting is a powerful way to learn. However, the reason I feel that this particular activity was a success was that it can benefit the entire class. First of all, it's beneficial for each of the table groups because it requires preparation and effective communication, in addition to gaining knowledge. Students within each group can learn from their group members, as well as other groups that can listen to the podcasts. I feel by listening to what their group members have to say, and listening to the ideas of the other groups, students can get a good idea of all sides of the debate about technology in schools.

I believe that I can use podcasting in my future classroom. If appropriate for a particular subject, I would introduce podcasting in a similar fashion as in this class. I would first allow students to conduct their own short podcast to get a feel for the technology and nature of the assignment. Once students show they are comfortable with podcasts, I would assign a group podcast to discuss a major topic, such as a chapter from a textbook or current event. Group podcasting benefits students in several ways. For instance, they must be prepared to discuss the topic using their prior knowledge. Also, it encourages a "natural" discussion, and not simply reading information from a piece of paper. I enjoy discussion among students, and this type of assignment encourages it and can help to improve it.

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