Monday, September 17, 2012

Thoughts on Multi-tasking

The main point of the Frontline videos, the article, and the game was to illustrate the disadvantages that multi-tasking presents. In today's world, people feel they are best to try to complete a number of tasks at one time. When in reality, people are best to focus on doing one task very well then doing a so-so job doing multiple tasks. Our society is hindered by people attempting to do so many different things at one time, rather than focus on priorities.

I feel that the emergence of technology in our world promotes people to try to multi-task. With laptops, ipads, smartphones, etc. people feel that they can communicate with others, surf the web, and more, instead of focusing on the task at hand, such as work or school. Although technology has a positive effect on our society, I feel it has a negative impact when it comes to multi-tasking.

As a future teacher, I am willing to accept the challenge of my students trying to be multi-taskers. Some students may feel it is more entertaining to play computer games or text than to learn the course material. As a result, my goal is to use technology as part of the lesson, and keep students engaged in the lesson. If students are using computers or a smartboard to contribute to the class discussion, they are more likely to get something out of the activity planned. I think a big obstacle for past, current, and future teachers is to find that balance between being an entertainer, and making sure students learn what they need to learn while in school.

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