Monday, November 19, 2012

Reviewing Data

I believe the most effective way to review data and use it as a teaching tool, is to analyze areas of struggle for students. If a certain percentage of students are answering a question incorrectly, teachers can possibly revisit that type of question and attempt to find out why students felt that that was the correct answer. Analyzing data can be effective for reviewing for a test, because if 99% of the class answers a question correctly, a teacher can take that as a hint that maybe they don't need to spend quite as much time reviewing that concept. Instead, they can spend time on the concepts that students need more clarification on.

As a teacher, I feel I can use the data to help create appropriate assessments for my students. If a certain percentage of students, either how or low, answers a question correctly, maybe that is a sign that the question was inappropriate. I feel the best use of data for me as a teacher, is to use it as way to reflect on my  own teaching and use it to help my students understand the topic and have success with it.

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