Sunday, December 9, 2012

Online Book Study-Chapter 6

"As the lifelong-learning era moves gradually toward a situation where people choose for themselves what kind of education they will obtain, standards will serve as a constraint on what counts as legitimate learning." (Page 94)

I think maintaining standards is very important for schools. They are meant to help teachers and students succeed. However, I also believe that they can hinder learning as well. If teachers get caught up in following standards to the letter, it can have a negative outcome on student learning. Focusing on the students should be the ultimate goal, using standards as a guide.

"The downside is that learners working in such environments may become more isolated from social interaction with other people." (Page 98)

To me, this is the most powerful quote in this book. I feel if students become isolated from other students, their communication skills will suffer tremendously. Nothing can replace personal relationships that students can create with classmates and teachers.

"Though many teachers develop bonds with their students, they do not have the time parents have to develop a deep understanding of their students' personal needs and abilities." (Page 102)

Parent involvement is very key to a student's success. I think if they feel comfortable touching base with their child's teacher, they can use that to their advantage. I also believe that the parent-teacher relationship is a team effort and teachers should make a conscious effort to stay in touch with their students' parents.

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