Monday, October 29, 2012

PSA Reflection

I felt completing the Public Service Announcement was beneficial for me in several ways. It helped me look at our selected topic from the perspective of a student, teacher, and most importantly as a person. It also helped me realize that our topic, "Texting while Driving", is a serious issue in our society and is not improving. Regarding this particular issue, college aged students are the ones that are most responsible, and participating in this activity could possibly help them think about the consequences of texting while driving and persuade them to focus their attention solely to driving.

As teachers, I feel it is just as important to help our students grow as people, as it is to grow as students. This type of project allows students to use what they've learned in the classroom to learn about a topic that effects their personal lives. By using technology and working with their classmates, students are the given the opportunity to learn about a topic that is relevant to their lives, while having fun at the same time. I feel the concept "students learn from students" applies to this project, as students can learn from doing this project and viewing the projects of their classmates.

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