Monday, September 17, 2012

Chapter 3 Discussion

In Chapter 3 of "Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts," the enduring understanding is the concept of safely and effectively producing and maintaining a  blog in the classroom setting.

Question 1: Before beginning a blog, what are some pre-cautions a teacher should take?

Before starting a blog in the classroom, a teacher should ensure that students, parents, and administration are clear on the purpose, expectations, and learning outcomes of the blog. If students, parents, and administration are unclear about how this will help students learn and communicate, the blogging experience may not be as effective.

Question 2: How should teachers go about introducing the concept of a blog to their students?

First of all, teachers should study the background of their students. For example, if only 3 children have access to internet at home, the blog will not be as effective, and discussion will be minimal. If this is the case, perhaps teachers should restrict blogging activities to in the classroom, where everyone can participate. Also, I feel that teachers should start small. In other words, teachers should start with basic blog activities and discussions, so students can get a feel for the technology. If early activities are too complicated, students may get discouraged and lose confidence. If students aren't confident in using the blog software, they may not learn as much as they would when they are actively engaged in the blog assignments.

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