Monday, December 10, 2012

Cool Tools

The cool tool that I most look forward to using in the future is "Symbaloo." I feel I could definitely use it to benefit myself and my students. As a teacher and coach, I think it would be beneficial for me to organize all my resources in their respective categories. For my students, I think the accessibility factor is most beneficial. There may be a particular laptop they are assigned to at school, and if they bookmark links of interest, it will only go to that particular computer. Using Symbaloo will allow them to access the necessary resources from anywhere. This would make classroom assignments easier to assign, if I had my students use Symbaloo.

Cooperative Learning Project Reflection

I felt that I put forth an honest effort towards this project. I communicated with my team members and really tried to make this the best project it could be. Throughout this semester, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the same three classmates on several projects. Our group members work well together and are very flexible when it comes to meeting times, helping each other out, answering e-mails, etc. I think completing this    project was a great way to cap off the semester.

I feel this project effects my future teaching in the sense that I can utilize cooperative learning assignments such as this one. I feel it is very important for students to learn cooperation and team-work skills, and these type of projects can help develop these skills. As a teacher however, I will be conscious of the type of group assignments that I use. Some group projects if not administered effectively can give advantages/disadvantages to certain students.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Online Book Study-Chapter 6

"As the lifelong-learning era moves gradually toward a situation where people choose for themselves what kind of education they will obtain, standards will serve as a constraint on what counts as legitimate learning." (Page 94)

I think maintaining standards is very important for schools. They are meant to help teachers and students succeed. However, I also believe that they can hinder learning as well. If teachers get caught up in following standards to the letter, it can have a negative outcome on student learning. Focusing on the students should be the ultimate goal, using standards as a guide.

"The downside is that learners working in such environments may become more isolated from social interaction with other people." (Page 98)

To me, this is the most powerful quote in this book. I feel if students become isolated from other students, their communication skills will suffer tremendously. Nothing can replace personal relationships that students can create with classmates and teachers.

"Though many teachers develop bonds with their students, they do not have the time parents have to develop a deep understanding of their students' personal needs and abilities." (Page 102)

Parent involvement is very key to a student's success. I think if they feel comfortable touching base with their child's teacher, they can use that to their advantage. I also believe that the parent-teacher relationship is a team effort and teachers should make a conscious effort to stay in touch with their students' parents.

Online Book Study-Chapter 5

"Schools as we know them will not disappear anytime soon." (Page 66)

I strongly agree with this statement. When it comes to hearing about educational technology, there are questions on whether schools are really necessary anymore. I believe there is no question that education is the best thing you can give a child. There is so much more they can gain from an education than simply the subject material.

"Distance education is a growing phenomenon." (Page 77)

I find it interesting to just how many people are utilizing the option of distance learning. Another interesting aspect of this is the wide range of age levels of the students using it. It is not only an option for high school and college students, but for younger students as well.

"More and more of the world's accumulated knowledge is spreading to the web." (Page 88)

Whenever new knowledge is gained, it is almost immediately added to the internet. An interesting aspect of this is that knowledge can be found in several different mediums on the web, such as on blogs, social media sites, online newspapers, etc.

Online Book Study-Chapter 4

"Just as the Industrial Revolution led to the development of universal schooling, we believe the Knowledge Revolution is leading to a new era of lifelong learning." (Page 49)

The rapid development of technology over the past two years is becoming known as the "Knowledge Revolution." I found it interesting that the book compared these two "revolutions" to education. I hope that this quote is true, and that the Knowledge Revolution contributes to the lifelong learning of today's students.

"The increasing diversity of the population has meant that it is often more difficult to use the same instructional strategies to teach students from different backgrounds." (Page 63)

As a future educator, this quote really stands out to me. It is very important to consider the ability levels, cultural backgrounds, and socioeconomic status of our each of our students. I think the worst thing we can do is assume that a particular teaching strategy will be effective for all of our students.

"The exponential growth of knowledge has also put increasing stress on the schools." (Page 64)

With the constant improvement of technology, there is much pressure put on schools to integrate technology into their curriculum. I feel the stress for teachers boils down to feeling like they won't be considered a "good" teacher if they don't use as much technology as other teachers.

Online Book Study-Chapter 3

"Teachers bring many things to learning that computers can never match." (Page 40)

This quote really stood out to me in the sense that teachers can make a huge difference in the life of a student. By building personal relationships with their students, teachers can be the light that brightens a student's day. A computer may able to teach students certain concepts, but a real teacher who teaches from the heart will have a much greater influence on a student's learning experience.

"To the degree that students are getting their knowledge from computer learning environments rather than from the teacher, it takes away from the respect and authority that teachers would gain from sharing their expertise from students." (Page 41)

Using technology in the classroom can be a great supplement to learning, but should not be an alternative to it. Students still need to confident that they can ask their teachers questions when they need help. If students get the impression they can just rely on technology to solve their problems instead of their teacher, that defeats the whole purpose of learning.

"One of the great advantages that technology brings to education is customization." (Page 44)

Although there are several pros and cons to the emerging technology in education, customization is definitely a positive. With the wide availability of resources that technology has to offer, teachers can find activities that appeal to all different interest and ability levels of their students.

Online Book Study-Chapter 2

"Just as reading was made necessary by the printing press and arithmetic by the introduction of money, so computer technologies are changing the very ways we think and make sense of the world." (Page 11)

This is stating that the invention of new phenomenons, such as money and the printing press, encourages people to use them to help enhance their lives. The sophisticated technology of our world is making people feel it's necessary to become familiar with it and use it in their lives.

"To prepare students to communicate in this emerging world requires not simply the traditional reading and writing, but learning how to communicate using different media with people who do not share the same assumptions." (Page 13)

Part of our duties as teachers is to help our students have success as people, not just as students. Preparing for them for their future is very important, and be allowing to communicate through technology can play a big role in doing so. In communicating with people with different assumptions, this will help students when it comes to honoring difference.

"A major motivation for many technology enthusiasts is their unhappiness with current education." (Page 28)

Many people who work with technology are dissatisfied with education, and developing new technologies is a way to change that. Technology enthusiasts are very in much convinced that schools should adapt to the modern technology, and drift away from "old-school" teaching methods.

Online Book Study-Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

"Many teachers see little value in spending their time helping students prepare for standardized tests that they do not think measure real learning." (Page 3)

This quote stood out to me because there seems to be clashes between teachers and administration regarding standardized tests. Teachers are pressured to help their students achieve high test scores, but don't feel this is the way to help students learn. I agree with this, in the sense that the purpose of learning is to help students succeed as students and people, not just on standardized tests.

"The clash between schooling and the new technologies is rooted in the historical emergence of universal schooling in America." (Page 4)

I believe the reason for the dilemma that the emerging technologies have created, is that schools are uncomfortable with change. Historically, the structure of schools has gone virtually unchanged until the decade of the 2000's, where technology has slowly begun to become the cornerstone of education.

"The challenge of technology-driven learning opportunities rests on the question of access." (Page 7)

Teachers need to carefully consider the activities they assign to students. As teachers, we cannot assume that every student has equal access to technology. The only time they may have access to a computer and the internet, is at school.